I'll wrap it up with the originals and commissions that were sold at WonderCon 2024.
Originals I've sold:

On-site commissions I've received: 🥰

My first time tabling at WonderCon! ❤️
I did better than I thought despite my originals running low to start, and my new zine (Pikmin walking zine) not being out yet. My pet drawings were catching people's attention, so I received a good portion of pet commissions. Looking at those pet photos from customers made me smile all the time. A big thank you to everyone who supported me with such generosity.

I liked the smile that accidentally popped out, so I am going to do that in future shows too. 😆
The exhibit hall was huge, and I wasn't able to walk down every aisle before or after the show. There was so much great art that I wish I had time to stop and look at. My partner helped on Saturday, and he took some interesting photos to share with me. It was truly a fun show to attend as an attendee.
Some fun cosplayers my partner saw on Saturday.

Vendors entered and loaded from the back. I had never been to the front myself.

After two years of doing it the new way, I think it is time to reflect on my business strategy more seriously. My table display includes three main sections: art zine making (what I want to focus on), original art paintings (which are done through daily...not practices), and Woolfelting Display (a hobby during art breaks). Since I don't want to sell prints anymore, it's always nerve-wracking to rely only on zines and original paintings to cover my expenses. Looking at my bookkeeping, my gross sales rely heavily on on-site commissions. Unfortunately, there is a limit because I can only accept a small number at each show. As much as I like to share what I love, I also need to consider reality --> $$; that is the same as anyone on earth, I suppose. 🫣
Many customers have told me that I should raise my commission price (awe, thank you! You can always tip more!), but in my opinion, it's not solely the price that matters (... perhaps it really is...). It may be the content and the skill of the art that touch the customer's emotions enough to pay. Therefore, what I should be focusing on now is to keep practicing and getting them out FASTER.
This is how fast I think I am now at doing art...
Actually, I am as slow as 🐌
My next show is C2E2. With a two-week international trip coming up, I'll continue to try my best to make more art that I like. 🤣
If you'd like to see me drawing some characters daily, just put it in the comments. When I run out of ideas, I will give that a shot. 💕
As always, a huge thank you to everyone who stopped by and supported my table at WonderCon 2024.
I am happy to say that I am able to keep my setup and inventory within two suitcases. I used a rolling sewing case to carry art supplies, drinks, and snacks. My next show will be C2E2, table # Q-12.
