My original goal was to have this aquarium zine finished, printed, and available to show at Ani-me Con this March but now I am unsure I can make it. I have counted the dates that I need to pick up the watercolor skill and refresh the knowledge (or vocab) that I have been studying, plus the time I need to get over the jet lag, the schedule has become very tight.
A quick practice of watercolor to refresh muscle memory

I couldn't work on any new color pages mentally so I decided to redraw the first page. *I think it makes the story flow and design better...* Here is the color page I decided to repaint. However, I regretted immediately that I cut the original first page because there is no reason to do so. I was not thinking and I blame jetlag! 😆

A couple of days ago, I was again panicking and pulling my hair trying to overcome the stress until I had several conversations with my partner and friends. Their words and suggestions have calmed me down and think it thoroughly. The conclusion is not to rush or the quality may be ruined. I want no regret and am able to proudly present it to the public just like my camping zine. 🥰
Now, my mind is peaceful...
I can even eat and paint at the same time! 🤪
