This little fellow was found at the stair entrance of our apartment last year. I picked it up thinking maybe I could still save it. I didn't give much hope at first so I grew it in water (Hydroponics). The roots start growing. Half a year later I bought soil for it to stay solid on the ground. It's encouraging to see it grows.
A quick flashback of 2022, I quit a 9-5 WFH job and cuddled around art again to have better mental health. In the only two shows I had in 2022, PMX and AX Chibi, I changed a different way to sell my art. It was to test the water since I haven't vended for 2+ years and so far the direction looks right. Although It still falls under the saying of "doing a lot of work making very little money," the sense of accomplishment makes it worth it.
The challenge continues in 2023 and I make sure my feet are on the ground and stay on the right path. If I'm lost during the journey, I come back to drawing plants again. 😉
Happy New Year 🎉
